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Camel Step Coffee Roasters, Shop 

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia                Aug.2020

In the Riyadh Project II, sandstone extracted from the Najd region is predominantly used in the construction, imparting a natural and authentic touch to the architectural design. This sandstone, known for its durability and warm color, reflects the geological heritage of the region and enhances the aesthetic appeal of the buildings. By using this local stone, the project aims to strengthen the local cultural identity and deliver a design that mirrors the surrounding environment.



Client: Camel Step Co.

Location:  Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Area: 360 m² 

Year: 2020

Photography by: Mansor Alsofi

Sandstone in Najd Region


Geology and Formation

The Najd region in central Saudi Arabia is characterized by diverse geological terrains that include sandstone, which is part of the sedimentary formations formed over long geological periods. The sandstone in this region mainly consists of sand deposits that have accumulated through wind and water over various geological ages.

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